Saturday, June 13, 2009


I spoke to a man about urinating on my own feet tonight.
It seemed appropriate.
Acid burns away rot I told him.
There is acid in my urine.
I watched a TV show tonight which was also appropriate.
The show was shit. I enjoyed it but it was shit.
I drank a drink tonight which was the colour of urine and ate a meal the consistency of faeces.
There is something essential about focusing on those things which have become refined by my life processes.
Shit and piss covering a functioning body.
The bringing together of these two things which are congruous yet in conflict highlights a primary beauty in things that live and things that rot.
When I shit,
when I eat,
I know I am going to die.
This knowledge of rotting things
makes the things that live and give warmth
to the world more bright.
The stuff of the world shines and has beauty because it will pass.
Some things pass to quickly.
Some people pass through your life, too quickly.
Some things end too soon.

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